Independent Digital Media Journalism is the foundation of a strong Democracy. For nearly two decades, Prativad News has been a beacon of fact-based reporting, exposing the dangers of misinformation and hate speech. But the fight for truth needs your support.
With your generous contribution, we can expand our dedicated team of journalists, intensifying our efforts to combat disinformation and keep the public informed.
Together, we can build a digital world founded on factual news and accountability.
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Dear Friends and Patrons of Free Press,
In a world filled with noise and misinformation, Prativad.com has stood as a beacon of truth, bringing you stories that matter, unfiltered and unbiased. As a leading digital news platform and India’s most trusted voice, we remain committed to delivering high-quality journalism, holding power to account, and serving the public with integrity.
Why We Need Your Support: Running an independent Digital News Channel like Prativad requires resources. While we tirelessly work to bring you the truth, we are entirely self-funded. With rising expenses in technology, reporting, and content production, sustaining our mission has become challenging. Your support can empower us to keep doing what we do best: honest, fearless journalism that puts people first.
How Your Contributions Will Make a Difference: Enhanced Reporting: Funds will support our team in covering critical stories from across the country, bringing in voices often left unheard. Improved Technology: Upgrading our digital infrastructure to ensure Prativad.com remains fast, secure, and user-friendly. AI-Powered Insights: We’re committed to integrating cutting-edge AI and data journalism to bring more depth and precision to our coverage. Training and Development: Supporting our journalists with the latest skills in digital and data journalism, making them better equipped to serve you.
Join Us in Our Mission: We invite you to be a part of Prativad’s journey. Whether it’s a one-time contribution or a monthly commitment, your generosity will directly fuel journalism that makes a difference. Let’s build a future where news serves the people, where truth prevails, and where Prativad continues to hack through the noise.
Donate Today and Make an Impact! Together, we can strengthen independent media in India and uphold the principles of transparency and truth. Thank you for believing in us, and for your commitment to a more informed society.
With heartfelt gratitude, Deepak Sharma Editor, Prativad.com
सत्य को सशक्त करें, स्वतंत्र डिजिटल मीडिया का समर्थन करें
स्वतंत्र डिजिटल मीडिया पत्रकारिता किसी भी स्वस्थ लोकतंत्र की नींव है। पिछले लगभग दो दशकों से, प्रतिवाद न्यूज़ ने तथ्य-आधारित रिपोर्टिंग के माध्यम से गलत सूचना और घृणास्पद भाषण के खतरे को उजागर करने का काम किया है।
लेकिन सत्य की इस लड़ाई में आपका सहयोग जरूरी है।
आपके उदार सहयोग से, हम अपनी समर्पित पत्रकारों की टीम का विस्तार कर सकते हैं, ताकि हम गलत सूचनाओं के प्रसार को रोक सकें और जनता को सही जानकारी प्रदान कर सकें।
आइए, मिलकर एक ऐसा डिजिटल संसार बनाएं, जो तथ्यपूर्ण समाचार और जवाबदेही पर आधारित हो।
आज ही दान करें और बदलाव लाने में हमारी मदद करें।

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